Clean Tech Accelerator

The Palestine India Technopark, in partnership with Alquds University and Gaza University, is working with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the clean technology sector in Palestine through the CleanTech Hubs initiative. Building on the success of the first edition of the CleanTech Competition in 2021, the program is currently implementing the second edition.

The program aims to support entrepreneurs and startups in developing locally-driven clean energy products and clean technology solutions to be introduced as innovative businesses to the market, with a focus on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the water-energy nexus.


As part of the initiative, MOUSTADAMA supports an annual business innovation competition, the Palestine CleanTech Innovation Competition, which allows startups and entrepreneurs to participate and be selected for intensive mentoring and training programs to further develop their clean energy and clean technology ideas. The 30 selected semifinalists will participate in a 10-day national academy and a 10-week acceleration phase that includes business clinics, webinars, continuous mentorship, mock judging, and a final pitching event. Assistance from local and international experts will provide advice and guidance to innovators on product design and prototyping, while business advisory services will help entrepreneurs and start-ups bring their products to the local and international markets.


The CleanTech Hubs provide access to research and development platforms, networking opportunities with researchers and experts, and a library of solutions and the latest technologies. Industry clinics link entrepreneurs with energy experts and testing labs, while training includes business and market skills development and technical education and certification. The accelerator process facilitates access to business partners and investors who are key stakeholders in clean technology innovation.


MOUSTADAMA also provides opportunities for start-ups and entrepreneurs to develop their products and access investors and potential customers through business forums, competitions, business workshops, and global expos. The program also supports the development of policies that foster a dynamic clean technology sector and helps create demand for and bring clean energy solutions to the market.